Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Great Grandmother's Hands

I often think of how much my great grandmother, "Ninnie", used her hands. She was an avid quilter. She also sewed, crocheted and tatted. As a child, a young lady and a wife she made every stitch of clothing for her family. She would create patterns out of newspaper based on drawings in the Sear's catalog. Blankets, sheets, clothing were made or mended also. She tatted making beautiful lace for her graduation dress from school. Her's had the most lace on it.  She could make anything even with three children clinging to her everyday.

She lived on a farm all her life up until she was well into her 80's and worked with chickens, pigs, cows, etc. She had gardens to die for: an acre of flowers, an acre of tomatoes, an acre of berries and fruit trees. She baked with the best of them too. This lady's knowledge I wish I had. She knew exactly how to bring a plant back to life when others would have gladly toss it in the compost. She knew what nutrients each plant or flower needed. She was amazing to me.

Her hands were strong and precise. Every stitch was perfect. Everything she touched seem so effortless. And when you are young you think it is effortless until you try to do what you see and realize that those hands are a work in progress. That those hands worked and worked until they got whatever they were doing right. It took years to perfect some things like the perfect stitches that she would quilt. All hand-pieced, hand-quilted quilts using clothing from years past. And nothing simple, no, not at all, but all very beautiful in their own accord.

By the time I came along her hands were rough and gnarled from arthritis.  Age spots and wrinkles graced her hands. They looked like they had worked from sun up to sun down all her life. To me they were beautiful.

I look at my hands now and think the wrinkles are starting, the spots aren't there yet.  I think of all my hands have learned to do and still learn everyday as I explore the fiber arts I love. Repetition will take it's tole on them and maybe someday someone will look at my hands as I looked at my great grandma's and think: simply beautiful.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wine Chenille Ribbed Scarf

What a fun and fast project this was. I found the yarn on sale and was thrilled! So decided to make a ribbed scarf with it. Of course the ribbed quality always will curl so this scarf does curl on itself. The color though is what I love the most. Deep, rich wine color. The texture is very soft and comfortable to wear. It really could go well with a casual or dressed up to go out on the town outfit also.

Seeing it is buying season a nice gift to give. I find reds usually go over well with just about anyone. Plus red goes well with so many colors!

So there it is, my chenille scarf! On to the next project!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wow, Shawl sold in less than 3 hours after being posted.

I was more than thrilled for the shawl to sell! That never ending project of mine really did work out for the best. It's amazing really sometimes how things work out. Sometimes when posting items to sell at you think oh this is gonna sell like hot cakes and other times you have absolutely no clue. Most of the time though isn't as you planned and the things you think will sell quickly don't. I hadn't a clue about the shawl, but so glad it sold quickly. Now on to the next project! Another shawl using the ladder ribbon, but in vibrant wine colors. For all I know this one will stay post for a year before it sells, but honestly it's the process of creating I do love more than the sale. The sale just makes me justify what I am doing! For now I am happy gal!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The never ending shawl project...

Gosh, I really bit off more than I could chew with this project. I thought oh, wonderful a shawl to create that is simple! But what I didn't anticipate was how hard working with this material would be. I found this Bernat Matrix yarn at a discount shop and bought loads of it. It is a discontinued yarn now, but a fabulous material. Shimmers and shines, very light and is ribbon like.

So I started this at the beginning of summer because it was such a light material and it wouldn't be a project that would make you too hot while working on it during the warmer months. I made many mistakes and it took me a while to get use to working with the material at hand. But in the end this has turned out beautiful. I just finished it in early November.

I like the way the material is almost liquid like and flows so nicely over your shoulder. This shawl would be absolutely stunning over  a simple black dress or suit. Would add a touch of warmth on a cool day. I can see this on going with someone on a cruise or even for New Year's Even parties!

Since I had loads of this yarn...I will be making more shawls and light scarfs. I am postitive the next one will go much quicker now that I have some ideas of how to manipulate the yarn. Look to for more items for sale!

Multiple projects...

Does anyone else have this problem? I always have 3-5 projects going at once! I don't know why I feel compelled to do things in this manner, but I always do. I have tried to do one project at a time, but I always add another one on. It's like my brain can't focus.

Right now I have a little girl's capelet made out of 4 different fun fur yarns, a chenille wine colored ribbed scarf and a city lights ribbon scarf going all at the same time.

I know I start a project and then think...oh...I should do this with this yarn and that is really how it starts. Or I will go buy yarn and can't wait to get started on the project I am planning it for.

This doesn't hinder me in getting the projects done overall, but it does slow me down a bit.

I am just going to keep creating as long as the desire drives me and all will come out in the end just fine I am sure. We must follow our passions in life for they are the fuel of our soul. So if this is my create in this manner then I will just accept this and go forward.

Have a great fiber loaded day and enjoy the process as best you can ~ they way your mind wants it to be!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yarn has been delivered!

Oh, what a day yesterday was! I was graced by the yarn gods! I went out to get my mail and the treasures I had found online were on my doorsteps left by the postman. So very happy!

I am a pretty open minded yarn shopper. So I am constantly looking for 2-3 skeins to make or combine with other yarns to make into a nice scarf.  I am also on a budget so I am always looking at clearances and such for my loot. So I shop and search for supplies on, and even eBay somedays. But these I just got were from Etsy and Webbs. A really nice ribbon yarn,  a beautifully hand-dyed yarn from the Andes and several multicolored yarns with 50% wool and acrylic blend too.

<<<  Can you say beautiful!? They were also all under $3 per skein! So there you go ~ I had a great day, enjoying my new yarn and dreaming of the possibilites there are with them.  Once I have made something out of them I will post pictures and explain how I used/manipulated the materials.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why for the love of fibers?

What on Earth possesses me to create with fibers...

Well, it's simple really. I have been involved in some sort of fiber art since I was a very young girl learning to quilt & sew with my grandma and great-grandma in Missouri during my summer breaks. When I was at home I was also surrounded by my mom's crochet and macramè projects. It was wonderful growing up at the end of the fibers arts boom! And as a child it was so comfortable for me to just pick up a pencil and start drawing the world around me, paint with oil paints or piece a pattern by hand for a quilt.

Since I was in college though either paper or yarn has been my main choice to create with: either by weaving it, drawing on it, or sewing both together on my sewing machine. Simply sitting with knitting needles passing the time with yarn intertwined around my fingers makes me feel whole. I just love working with my hands! I believe it is something that is within me and seeing it all around me when I was growing up ~ it is so natural just to choose it. So you see my environment instilled a love & passion of fibers and the idea of something being handmade that has never really left me.

I was never dissuaded from being an artist by my family either. But I was encouraged to branch out and do different things. So that's just what I did. Knowing I would have to make a living I successfully completed a bachelor of fine arts in Graphic Design and a masters of arts in Weaving (textiles) from Marshall University. I got the best of both worlds you see. Plus I even worked as a production weaver for a while too. But for the last 15 years I have worked steadily as a graphic designer and on top of that since 2000 as a web designer/architect.

But between my work, marriage and having beautiful children I was lacking something along the way. I was craving fibers again and I just wasn't taking time to create in that matter. So last year I picked up some knitting needles, dusted off my loom and sewing machine and set some goals. I basically took over my dining room which is now decorated with large baskets and bowls of yarns with knitting needles sticking out of them. My loom is threaded and ready to weave a blanket and my sewing machine is just waiting for me to be inspired.

I brought my love of weaving, knitting & paper creations (stationery, etc.) to my own line of fiber-related arts called FibersStudio by Valerie J. Asbury.
FibersStudio was launched on April 1st, 2009 on I have started with simple scarves, woven baby blankets and a few pieces of simple stationery. My love of color and textures are combined with a sense of fashion and design that mixes with the highest craftsmanship I can achieve. Each piece is one-of-a-kind and a must-have for any home or just that special gift to give to someone you love...that might even be you!

And that's where I am at for now. Visit my current creations at There are many new projects on the horizon and I'll take you though process of creating them very soon! Plus I plan to talk a bit about that connection of graphic design and fibers that I believe is in every piece I work on.