Oh, what a long hot summer this has been. I took the summer off blogging to spend with my kids at the pool, traveling and learning new fiber related arts. Had a lot of fun this summer and I am glad I had the opportunity to do what I did!
At the beginning of summer I had the pleasure of working in the tents at FestivALL in my old stomping grounds of Charleston, WV. I taught kids how to weave Treasure Pouches on cardboard looms. I also had an optional project of hand-woven paper cards. I could not have done it with out the help from my mom and my sister-in-law Stephanie. We had a lot of fun in the humid, hot tents! My next two posts will focus what the kids made. I am so excited to share them.
School has begun for all my children and it's now time to get back to what I love. I am changing my focus a bit on this blog. I will be blogging about new things I have been working on for FibersStudio, projects I have planned and all the things that I am passionate about which includes some subjects that aren't fibers related. So you will be getting a bit larger view of my world.
Hope you have enjoyed your summer and getting ready to find projects to focus on in the shorter days with me. Are you ready?