Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Treasure Pouches woven by kids!

FestivALL in Charleston, WV was so much fun this past June. I had the pleasure of teaching weaving to children on cardboard looms I had made for them. 

What is GREAT is that some of the kids I taught have sent in photos. I also included other photos to show you what we did those fun days in late June.

In two days in I introduced approximately 120 children to weaving. That's a lot! I am so happy I was a part of FestivALL. It was a great experience and I would completely do it all over again!  Enjoy!

Completed Treasure Pouches! 

Made by Xander, 5-years-old, Charleston, WV

Made by Emma M., WV

Another made by Emma M., WV

Made by Maggie, 4-years-old, Lexington, KY

Here's some photos from two days of fun!
Setting up for the crowds!

My Mom measuring out some of the yarn.

Starting at the bottom of the loom and going around, up and over...
Here I am working with the kids and parents.
Kid working hard with their parents assisting.
Close up of a child weaving on the cardboard loom.
Working on the flap for the pouch! Very close to done.

A child working on the flap for the pouch. Almost done!

Ready to slip off the loom!

One of the kids stayed pretty much all day and here's what she did! 

Almost done! 
Completely finished. She had the biggest smile!

I'm back baby!

Oh, what a long hot summer this has been. I took the summer off blogging to spend with my kids at the pool, traveling and learning new fiber related arts. Had a lot of fun this summer and I am glad I had the opportunity to do what I did! 

At the beginning of summer I had the pleasure of working in the tents at FestivALL in my old stomping grounds of Charleston, WV. I taught kids how to weave Treasure Pouches on cardboard looms. I also had an optional project of hand-woven paper cards. I could not have done it with out the help from my mom and my sister-in-law Stephanie. We had a lot of fun in the humid, hot tents! My next two posts will focus what the kids made. I am so excited to share them.

School has begun for all my children and it's now time to get back to what I love. I am changing my focus a bit on this blog. I will be blogging about new things I have been working on for FibersStudio, projects I have planned and all the things that I am passionate about which includes some subjects that aren't fibers related. So you will be getting a bit larger view of my world.

Hope you have enjoyed your summer and getting ready to find projects to focus on in the shorter days with me. Are you ready?